World Class Cancer Treatment Options Available in India

Patient Testimonials – What People Say about us
To discover that I suffered from enlarged Prostate which had some cancer involvement was quite a shock for me just after I turned 55 years last December. . I then went to the Internet and found BestCancerhospitalIndia website amongst several several others. I sent e-mails off with my specific problem outlined to three sites. Almost instantly I received a response from a top hospital in India asking for my medical reports, which I mailed to them.
Just the next day I got another email with so much of valuable information about the treatment options I had and the profiles of the doctors and number of surgeries performed by them. I followed their advice for a Robotic Prostate Surgery that would also take care of my other concerns about cancer spill and impotency.
Now just 2 weeks later, I am glad that I made a quick decision and I am feeling much better and walking unassisted and ready to return home. I attribute this to the world class technology here in India and the skill of the surgeon and staff who have worked so hard to get me back on the feet. The staff at the hospital are all smiles and very helpful. I enjoyed all my meals during my stay. I would recommend anyone who needs a Prostate Surgery to go for the Robotic option, its a bit expensive but the pay offs are superb – less pain, quick recovery and no fear of complications.
Mr Adamu Ikeokwu from Nigeria (Prostate Cancer Surgery)
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